PWA Group :: Department of Physics :: Carnegie Mellon Unversity


Here are links to some of the software packages we've written.


Languages: Ruby, C++, XML

Authors: M.Williams, M.Bellis, M.E.McCracken, D.Applegate

Wiki coming soon.


Language: C++

Author: M.Williams

The qft++ package numerically evaluates relativistic quantum mechanical you don't have to. Here's the link. It also has some crazy template utilities. For example, detecting inheritance at compile time and selectively including or excluding templated methods based on argument types, etc. There are examples in the documentation.


Languages: Ruby, C, FORTRAN

Author: M.Williams

For convenience, we ported MINUIT to the Ruby language. It was pretty easy, here's the documentation. It's much more straight forward to use than the FORTRAN or ROOT versions.


Language: C++

Author: M.Williams

COBRA is a CLAS analysis softare package. It's easy to use, go here and see for yourself.

© 2008 CMU PWA