Week 4 Log for Physics 33.151

MMU Sections: 3.6 and 3.7.
Problem - Numerical Integration of a Mass on a Spring:
[Download pdf]
Supplemental information:
- a brief how-to for graphs in VPython: [Download pdf]
- more info from the VPython help page: [Download pdf]
- a sheet summarizing the VPython language: [Download pdf]
MMU Sections: 3.8 and 3.9.
White Board Exercises in Recitation:
MMU Problems: 3.S55, 3.S47, 3.S56, 3.S57.
[White board problems]
MMU Sections: 4.1, 4.2, 4.3.
Homework #4 is due at Professor Meyer's Office (WH 8414):
MMU Problems: 3.C18, 3.C22, 3.C28, 3.S60 and 3.S65.
Mass/Spring integration exercise begun Tuesday.
Homework #4 is due:Upload by 5:00 pm

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