List of Errors and Typos Found in "Data Reduction and Error Analysis for the Physical Sciences" by Philip R. Bevington and D. Keith Robinson (3rd Edition):

Please report any additional typos you find to your instructors so they can be added to this list.

Page 46
Formula 3.39 should not have the factor of "b" in it. Formula 3.40 should not have the factor of "b" in it. Amazingly, this mistake was added between the 2nd and 3rd editions of the book.
Page 49
Problem 3.5: the uncertainties should be specified as "0.020" with and extra digit to match the precision of the given values.
Page 49
Problem 3.7: the given formula for the chord is incorrect. The correct version is R = (L^2)/8h + h/2.
Page 50
Problem 3.9: "Frequency of occurance"
Page 146
Equation 8.6: the subscript on the "sigma" should be "j", not "i".
Page 152
Figure 8.4: The zig-zag line representing the grid search motion is incorrect. The first leg, for example, should extend much further to the right, about half way across the figure, to where the gradient along that line is again rising, not falling. All the other line segments must be similarly corrected.