Physics 33.228
Lab Manual

The textbook for this course is Basic Electronics: An Introduction to Electronics for Science Students---Secon Edition by Curtis A. Meyer. The book is being published by Lulu and is available for purchase at

Support independent publishing: buy this book on Lulu.
While you are waiting for your text to arrive, you can obtain an electronic version of chapter 1.

A list of know typos in the book as well as a form to report errors that you find can be found here.

The lab manual for this course accompanies the textbook, Basic Electronics: An Introduction to Electronics for Science Students by Curtis A. Meyer. The lab manual is also published on Lulu and is available for both purchase and free download at

Support independent publishing: buy this book on Lulu.

Curtis A. Meyer
Department of Physics
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA 15214
(412) 268-2745

Maintained by C. A. Meyer