Former Graduate Students

Listed here are the former graduate students in the medium energy experimental physics group at CMU. We also indicate what they are doing and where they are currently employed.

Dr. Mike McCracken, 2004 to 2008
Ph. D. Thesis: Photoproduction of the K+ Lambda using CLAS at JLab
Mike McCracken is a professor at Washington Jefferson College.

Dr. Seamus Riordin, 2003 to 2008
Ph. D. Thesis: A Measurement of Gen in Hall A at JLab Seamus Riordin is doing postdoctoral research at the University of Virginia.

Dr. Mike Williams, 2001 to 2007
Ph. D. Thesis: Measurement of the differntial cross section and spin density matrix elements along with a partial wave analysis for gamma p to omega p using CLAS at Jefferson Lab
Mike Williams is doing postdoctoral research at Carnegie Mellon University.

Dr. Zebulun Krahn, 2001 to 2007
Ph. D. Thesis: Photoproduction of the eta and the eta-prime mesons using CLAS at JLab
Zebulun Krahn is doing postdoctoral research at the University of Minnisota working on the neutrino experiments.

Dr. Joseph Parker, Aug. 2005
Ph. D. Thesis: The Weak Decay of the Lambda4He Hypernucleus.
Joseph Parker is a post doc at KEK in Japan.

Dr. Jeff Lachinet, Aug. 2005
Ph. D. Thesis: A high precision measurement of the neutron magnetic form factor using the CLAS detector.
Jeff Lachinet is doing postdoctoral research with Old Dominion University.

Dr. Robert Bradford, 1999 to 2005
Ph. D. Thesis: Measurement of differential cross sections and Cx and Cz for gamma p --> K+ Lambda and gamma p --> K+ Sigma0 using CLAS at Jefferson Lab.
Robert Bradfrod is doing postdoctoral research with University of Rochester working on the Fermilab Minerva experiment.

Dr. Rob Feuerbach, 1995 to 2002
Ph. D. Thesis: Measurement of the unpolarized K+Lambda and K+Sigmao electroproduction cross sections and interference terms from the proton with the CLAS detector.
Rob Feuerbach is doing postdoctoral research at Jefferson Lab.

Dr. John McNabb, 1995 to 2002
Ph. D. Thesis: Photoproduction of Lambda and Sigmao hyperons off protons in the nucleon resonance region using CLAS at Jefferson Lab.
John McNabb is doing postdoctoral with the LIGO group at Penn State University.

Dr. Kent Paschke, 1995 to 2001
Ph. D. Thesis: Measurement of spin transfer coefficeints in proton antiproton to lambda antilambda annihilation.
Kent Paschke is a professor at the University of Virginia.

Dr. Phil Koran, 1993 to 2000
Ph. D. Thesis: H-dibaryon search via the cascade minus capture on the deuteron.
Phil Koran is a Professor at Penn State University, Bloomburg.

Dr. Pavel Khaustov, 1995 to 1999
Ph. D. Thesis: Doubly--Strange Hypernuclear Production in E885 at the AGS.
Pavel Khaustov is a scientist at Avanti Corp.
Freemont, CA

Dr. Rodney McCrady, 1993 to 1998
Ph. D. Thesis: A Partial wave analysis of antiproton proton annihilation into omega pi+ pi- pi0
Rod McCrady is a staff scientist at the Los Alamos National Laboratory.
AOT-6 MS11 812
Los Alamos National Lab
Los Alamos, NM 87545

Dr. Frank E. Merrill, 1990 to 1995
Ph. D. Thesis: H Dibaryon Search through Cascade Minus Capture on the Deuteron
Frank Merrill is a staff scientist at the Los Alamos National Laboratory.
AOT-6 MS11 812
Los Alamos National Lab
Los Alamos, NM 87545

Dr. Irianto Rouli Sukaton, 1989 to 1995
Ph. D. Thesis: H particle search through direct production from Carbon targets using (K-,K+) interactions
Rouli Sukaton is currently working in industry in the San Francisco area.

Dr. Michael J. Athanas, 1988 to 1992
Ph.D. Thesis: The Weak Decay of Helium Hypernuclei
Dr. Michael Athanas is currently doing Postdoctoral research on the CLEO experiment at the CESR.
Cornell University
Wilson Lab
Ithica, NY 14853.

Dr. Guy Diebold, 1984 to 1991
Ph.D. Thesis: Strangeness Production in Relativistic Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions
Dr. Guy Diebold worked for several years as a postdoc at Yale. He is currently working in the field of medical physics in New Orleans.

Dr. Jean Seydoux, 1982 to 1990
Ph.D. Thesis: A search for the Xsi(2230) Resonance in the antiproton proton goes to K-short K-short Channel at LEAR
Dr. Jean Seydoux is currently a research scientist at Schlumberger.
Schlumberger Well Service
P.O. Box 2175
5000 Gulf Freeway
Houston, TX 77252.

Prof. John Szymanski 1981 to 1987
Ph.D. Thesis: The Weak Decay of Lambda Hypernuclei
Prof. John Szymanski is working in medium energy physics at the University of Indiana.
Department of Physics
University of Indiana
Bloomington, IN 47405.

Dr. Chris Maher, 1979 to 1986
Ph. D. Thesis: The antiproton proton goes to antilambda lambda Reaction Near Threshold
Dr. Chris Maher is currently working as a research scientist at the Pittsburgh Supercomputer Center.
Pittsburgh Supercomputer Center
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA 15213.

Dr. Richard Grace, 1978 to 1985
Ph.D. Thesis: Weak Decay of P Shell Lambda Hypernuclei
Dr. Richard Grace is currently a research scientist at the Mellon institute.
Mellon Institute
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA 15213.

Dr. Ron Reider, 1978 to 1985
Ph. D. Thesis: The (pi+,pp) and (pi+,pd) Reactions in the Lithium Isotopes
Dr. Ron Reider is currently employed at Visidyne.
Visidyne, Inc.
10 Corporate Place
South Bedford St.
Burlington, MA 01803.

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Last updated August, 2008.