+PATCH,$CORR. +DECK,CORR1. Updates version: 2.00/03 to 2.00/04 +REP,*TITLE*,TITLE,1-44. PHYSAC 2.00/04 04/07/94 14.41.57 OFFLINE SOFTWARE, PI0-SEARCH +ADD,$VERSION,V2_00,0. *CMZ : 2.00/04 04/07/94 14.41.57 by Curtis A. Meyer +ADD,$VERSION,V2_00,6. *::> VERSION 2.00/04 04/07/94 14.41.57 * Fix the picomb routine so the entry point can actaully * print out the desired results. Code assume that passed * variables to the main enrty point were available in * a second entry point. * +ADD,PIPHYS,PIRECO,0. *CMZ : 2.00/04 11/02/93 15.28.15 by Gunter Folger +REP,PIPHYS,PIRECO,108-112. C___M.Doser if you don't want to execute these statements, C then comment them out, but don't create any C impossible to reach lines ! 11.2.93 C IF(.FALSE.) THEN C IF (QPRVTO(IG,JG,XM,CT,CHIX)) THEN C CHI = 999. C GOTO 50 C___M.Doser END IF +ADD,PIPHYS,PICOMB,0. *CMZ : 2.00/04 04/07/94 14.39.20 by Curtis A. Meyer +ADD,PIPHYS,PICOMB,14. *** Modified: 4-JUL-1994 Curtis Meyer * *** Fixed code to eliminate compilation warnings * *** on most platforms. See nasty comments inside * *** the code. * +ADD,PIPHYS,PICOMB,44. * REAL SMASS2,SERRM2,SCTHET,SMFIT,SCHISQ SAVE SMASS2,SERRM2,SCTHET,SMFIT,SCHISQ DATA SMASS2,SERRM2,SCTHET,SMFIT,SCHISQ / 5*0.0 / * INTEGER SIGAM,SJGAM,SMFLG SAVE SIGAM,SJGAM,SMFLG DATA SIGAM,SJGAM,SMFLG /3*0/ * +REP,PIPHYS,PICOMB,98-108. * *---Retain the necessary values so that the entry PIDMP1 *---can actually work!!! Note that most of the variables *---printed by the PIDMP1 entry point are actually *---PASSED to picomb -- as such, they do NOT have local *---storage defined. This might work on a vax, but will *---almost certainly fail on any other computer. * SMASS2 = MASS2 SERRM2 = ERRM2 SCTHET = CTHET SMFIT = MFIT SCHISQ = CHISQ * SIGAM = IGAM SJGAM = JGAM SMFLG = MFLG * GOTO 60 * * * ENTRY PIDMP1 XM = SQRT(SMASS2) ERM = SERRM2/(2.*XM) WRITE(6,10000)SIGAM,SJGAM,XM,ERM,SCTHET 10000 FORMAT(/,5X,'PICOMB : IGAM =',I2,2X,'JGAM =',I2,2X,'MASS =',F6.1, + 2X,'ERROR =',F6.1,2X,'COS(THETA) =',F6.3) XM = SQRT(SMFIT) WRITE(6,10100)SMFLG,XM,SCHISQ