+PATCH,$CORR. +DECK,CORR3. Updates version: 5.05/10 to 5.05/11 +REP,*TITLE*,TITLE,1. CBGEANT 5.05/11 03/09/97 07.33.05 +ADD,$VERSION,V5_05,0. *CMZ : 5.05/11 03/09/97 07.33.05 by Curtis A. Meyer +ADD,$VERSION,V5_05,12. * *::> VERSION 5.05/11 03/09/97 07.33.05 * *> Small correction which transposed x and y in the si vtx * detector. +ADD,SV,SVGE,0. *CMZU: 5.05/11 02/09/97 18.06.01 by Rafik Ouared +REP,SV,SVGE,20. *. * SV alignment more realistic. * *. * Modified : R.Ouared September 2, 1997 * *. * correct for transverse position of centers * *. * of pads. * +REP,SV,SVGE,180-181. XYZ(1)=XYM(1) XYZ(2)=XYM(2)