+PATCH,$CORR. +DECK,CORR3. Updates version: 5.05/00 to 5.05/01 +REP,*TITLE*,TITLE,1. CBGEANT 5.05/01 16/12/95 17.56.05 +REP,$VERSION,V5_05,1-2. *CMZ : 5.05/01 16/12/95 17.56.05 by Curtis A. Meyer *CMZ : 5.05/00 29/08/95 10.42.10 by Curtis A. Meyer *-- Author : Curtis A. Meyer 29/08/95 * *::> VERSION 5.05/01 16/12/95 17.56.05 * *> Modified the code to allow Breit-Wigner masses to fall * anywhere, rather than the +/- 3 gamma as before. +REP,$HISTORY,CARDS,1. *CMZ : 5.05/01 16/12/95 17.00.14 by Curtis A. Meyer * Add the BRTW card. *CMZ : 5.05/00 29/08/95 10.41.42 by Curtis A. Meyer +ADD,$HISTORY,CARDS,49. BRTW l1 LGBWWD = .true. If set false, then Masses of Breit-Wigner resonances are limited to be within 3 Gamma of the nominal mass. The default is .true., which has no such limit. +REP,COMMCB,CB_MACRO,1-12. *CMZ : 5.05/01 16/12/95 16.48.08 by Curtis A. Meyer * Added new common block /BREITW/ to control Breit-Wigner Widths. *CMZU: 5.04/00 27/06/95 12.51.16 by RAFIK OUARED * NEW VARIABLES TO INCLUDE SVTX TABLE * IN /CBLINK/ : LRTVX * IN /CBXDIV/ : IXRTVX * IN /CCFLAG/ : KRTVX=20 *CMZ : 5.00/02 22/11/94 22.38.23 by Curtis A. Meyer * Added the /GESEED/ to retain seeds at the start of events. +REP,COMMCB,CB_MACRO,27-42. *CMZ : 5.00/00 05/07/94 18.09.17 by CBGEANT HACKERS * Added relevent bits for new coding of lookup tables for 2282 and FERA * Include number of wires (NWIR1,NWIR2) in CBPWJD sequence. * Type untyped variables in CCDRIF, CENOIS. * I am creating a new common block to pass the variable NY from * subroutine dchget to jdcin. * I am adding arrays PWIR1 and PWIR2 to common block CBPWJD * I am adding arrays SINJD2 and COSJD2 to common block CCJDCD +REP,COMMCB,CB_MACRO,76-78. * /CBKILL/ - created to hold particle types to reject (i.e. neutrinos) +REP,COMMCB,CB_MACRO,91. *-- Author : Curtis A. Meyer +ADD,COMMCB,CB_MACRO,1225. * &KEEP,BREITW. * * LGBWWD: Control width of breitwigners. .true. leads * to full width possible, .false. is cut at 3 * gamma. * LOGICAL LGBWWD COMMON /BREITW/ LGBWWD SAVE /BREITW/ +ADD,CBBASE,UGFFGO,0. *CMZ : 5.05/01 16/12/95 16.51.46 by Curtis A. Meyer * Include new common /BREITW/ to control Breit-Wigner widths. * Add new logical card BRTW which defaults .true., which * will lead to no 3*gamma cut on the width of a resonance. * .false. will lead to the "old" configuration. +ADD,CBBASE,UGFFGO,151. &SEQ,BREITW. +ADD,CBBASE,UGFFGO,532. C-- Steer the width's of the Breit-Wigner functions: C LGBWWD = .TRUE. CALL FFKEY('BRTW',LGBWWD,1,'LOGI') C +REP,CBKINE,BIBRWI,1-2. *CMZ : 5.05/01 16/12/95 16.57.26 by Curtis A. Meyer *CMZ : 5.00/04 23/11/94 20.39.54 by Curtis A. Meyer +REP,CBKINE,BIBRWI,23-26. C. * ==> Modified: 23 November 1994 C.A.Meyer * C. * Replace RNDM() with GRNDM(). * C. * ==> Modified: 16 December 1995 C.A.Meyer * C. * Modify the width of the Breit Wigners. The * C. * old configuration limited things to 3 gamma. * C. * This can still be obtained using the BRTW F * C. * Steering card. The default will be no such * C. * limit. * C. ********************************************************* C. &SEQ,GCONST. &SEQ,BREITW. +REP,CBKINE,BIBRWI,35-42. 100 CALL GRNDM(ATEST,1) * ATEST = TAN(PI*(ATEST-0.5)) AMASSN = ATEST*AWIDTH * *---Check on physical limits on the mass, zero to 2*mass. * IF ( (AMASSN.LT.-AMASS) .OR. (AMASSN.GT. AMASS) ) GOTO 100 * *---Check to see if the 3*gamma limit is in place? * IF ((.NOT.LGBWWD).AND.(ABS(ATEST).GT.3.)) GOTO 100