+PATCH,$CORR. +DECK,CORR1. Updates version: 1.09/00 to 1.10/00 +REP,*TITLE*,TITLE,1. USDROP 1.10/00 09/04/95 11.41.20 +REP,$VERSION,V1_09,1-2. *CMZ : 1.09/02 17/03/95 10.47.28 by Curtis A. Meyer *CMZ : 1.09/01 19/07/94 23.03.45 by 'Curtis A. Meyer" *CMZU: 1.09/00 30/06/94 18.27.30 by Curtis A. Meyer *-- Author : Curtis A. Meyer 30/06/94 * *::> VERSION 1.09/02 17/03/95 10.47.28 * *> Implement Automatic Installation Script. * *> Implement TAXI2 and DOLBY options. * *> Allow to cut both PED and Central energy. * *::> VERSION 1.09/01 19/07/94 23.03.45 * *> fix error numbering iin usdrld routine. * +ADD,$VERSION,V1_10,*. &DECK,V1_10. *CMZ : 1.10/00 09/04/95 11.41.21 by Curtis A. Meyer *-- Author : Curtis A. Meyer 09/04/95 * *::> VERSION 1.10/00 09/04/95 11.41.20 * *> Implement code to repspect the TAXI, DOLB and SMART decisions. * *> Manual has been updated. * +ADD,$KUMACS,00_PATCH,*. &PATCH,$KUMACS. *CMZ : 1.09/02 16/03/95 18.50.14 by Curtis A. Meyer +ADD,$KUMACS,INSTALL,*. &DECK,INSTALL. *CMZ : 1.10/00 29/03/95 16.23.01 by Curtis A. Meyer *CMZ : 1.09/02 17/03/95 10.46.05 by Curtis A. Meyer *-- Author : Curtis A. Meyer 16.March.1995 * * This macro is similar to the install macro developed by * Mark Lakata for the Crystal Barrel Event Display * Ported to cbdrop on 17 March, 1995 * Macro INSTALL src=X * * [src] = src directory * [2-4] = options * * options: ALL = create everything * DEBUG = Create Debug version of code. * TEXT = create only text files. * LIB = create only library. * SOURCE = create only compiled source code. * DBG_DROP = Select Debug print lines in drop. * DBG_KFIT = Select Debug print lines in kfit * DBG_ALL = Select Debug print lines in both drop and kfit * if [src]='X' Then Exec help Goto END Endif If [src]='?' Then Exec help Goto END Endif * * CODEDIR Source code directory * CODEDIR = $Lower([src]) message Putting source code files in [CODEDIR] * * set defaults * DEBUGFLAG = FALSE TEXTFLAG = FALSE LIBFLAG = FALSE SOURCEFLG = TRUE CODEFLAG = TRUE Select . * * check options * FAIL = FALSE Do I = 2,[#] Case $Upper([%I]) In (DBG_DROP) Select DBG_DROP (DBG_KFIT) Select DBG_KFT4 (DBG_ALL) Select DBG_DROP Select DBG_KFT4 (DEBUG) DEBUGFLAG = TRUE message ' Debug print lines selected. ' (ALL) TEXTFLAG = TRUE LIBFLAG = TRUE SOURCEFLG = TRUE CODEFLAG = TRUE (TEXT) TEXTFLAG = TRUE LIBFLAG = FALSE SOURCEFLG = FALSE CODEFLAG = FALSE (LIB) TEXTFLAG = FALSE LIBFLAG = TRUE SOURCEFLG = FALSE CODEFLAG = TRUE (SOURCE) TEXTFLAG = FALSE LIBFLAG = FALSE SOURCEFLG = TRUE CODEFLAG = TRUE (*) message '****************************************' message Error: Option $Upper([%I]) not understood. message '****************************************' FAIL = TRUE Endcase Enddo If [FAIL] = TRUE then exec help goto end Endif Case $OS In (UNIX) File $CBCMZ/cboff.cmz -R (VMS) File CB$CMZ:cboff.cmz -R Endcase Select $MACHINE Case $Machine In (ALPHA) Case $OS In (VMS) Select VAX (UNIX) Select UNIX Select DECS Endcase Endcase * Mess ' ' Mess Installation of CBDROP on $MACHINE $OS starting at $DATE $TIME . Select Mess ' ' * * Set up the FORTRAN compiling extensions * Case $MACHINE In (IBM) Alias/Create ext fortran (VAX) Alias/Create ext for Alias/Create cext c (ALPHA) Case $OS In (VMS) Alias/Create ext for Alias/Create cext c (UNIX) Alias/Create ext f Alias/Create cext c Endcase (*) Alias/Create ext f Alias/Create cext c Endcase * Set FORTRAN -LAN * * Set up filenames for the extraction of the fortran code. * If [SOURCEFLG] = TRUE Then * Case $OS In (UNIX) Set [CODEDIR]/mkcbdrop_f.sh -XACL Set [CODEDIR]/*.ext -F Set libcbrop.a -L (VMS) Set [CODEDIR]mkcbdrop_f.com -XACL Set [CODEDIR]*.ext -F Set CBDROP.OLB -L Endcase * Else * Case $OS In (UNIX) Set [CODEDIR]/mkcbdrop_f.sh -XADCL Set [CODEDIR]/*.ext -F Set libcbrop.a -L (VMS) Set [CODEDIR]mkcbdrop_f.com -XADCL Set [CODEDIR]*.ext -F Set CBDROP.OLB -L Endcase * Endif * * Set up the debug options * If [DEBUGFLAG] = TRUE Then Case $MACHINE In (APOLLO) DEBUGOPT=' -dba' (HPUX,SGI,SUN,DECS,IBMRT) DEBUGOPT=' -g' (VAX) DEBUGOPT='/NOOP/DEB' (ALPHA) Case $OS In (VMS) DEBUGOPT='/NOOP/DEB' (UNIX) DEBUGOPT=' -g' Endcase Endcase Else DEBUGOPT=' ' Endif * * choose fortran compiler options and other stuff * If [CODEFLAG] = TRUE Then Case $MACHINE In (HPUX) Set 'f77 -c'//[DEBUGOPT]//' +ppu $compfile' -C f77 Set 'cc -c -O -w '//[DEBUGOPT]//' $compfile' -C C (SUN) Set 'f77 -c'//[DEBUGOPT]//' -fnonstd -O -Nl100 -w $compfile' -C f77 Set '`which gcc` -c'//[DEBUGOPT]//' -O -w $compfile' -C C (IBMRT) Set 'xlf -c'//[DEBUGOPT]//' -qextname $compfile' -C f77 Set 'cc -c -O -w '//[DEBUGOPT]//' $compfile' -C C (SGI) Set 'f77 -c'//[DEBUGOPT]//' $compfile G 3' -C f77 Set 'cc -c -O -w '//[DEBUGOPT]//' $compfile' -C C (DECS) Set 'f77 -c -O -w -Nl99 '//[DEBUGOPT]//' $compfile' -C f77 Set 'cc -c -O -w '//[DEBUGOPT]//' $compfile' -C C (VAX) Set 'FOR/OBJ=$compfile.OBJ'//[DEBUGOPT]//' $compfile' -C f77 Set 'CC/OBJ=$compfile.obj'//[DEBUGOPT]//' $compfile' -C C * (ALPHA) Case $OS In (VMS) Set 'FOR/SEPAR/OBJ=$compfile.OBJ'//[DEBUGOPT]//' $compfile' -C f77 Set 'CC/OBJ=$compfile.obj'//[DEBUGOPT]//' $compfile' -C C (UNIX) Set 'f77 -c -O -w -Nl99 '//[DEBUGOPT]//' $compfile' -C f77 Set 'cc -c -O -w '//[DEBUGOPT]//' $compfile' -C C Endcase * Endcase * Sequence //cbdrop/dropcomm Sequence //cboff/commcb * * make the library... * set F77 -LAN Cd //cbdrop IF [LIBFLAG] = TRUE Then CLib * Else CCompile * Endif * * Endif * If [TEXTFLAG] = TRUE Then * cd //cbdrop/manual set cbdrop.tex -F TEXT ctot manual * Endif * END: * Message ************************** READ THIS ****************** Message * * Message * The following files were created: * Message * * If [LIBFLAG] = TRUE Then Message * libcbdrop.a - the object library * Endif If [SOURCEFLG] = TRUE Then Message * Object and Source code remain in source directory * Endif If [TEXTFLAG] = TRUE Then Message * cbdrop.tex - the cbdrop manual. * Endif Message * * Message ************************** READ THIS ****************** * Return +ADD,$KUMACS,HELP,*. &DECK,HELP. *CMZ : 1.09/02 17/03/95 10.47.06 by Curtis A. Meyer *-- Author : Curtis A. Meyer 02.Nov.1994 Macro HELP mess 'Command template:' mess 'UNIX: cmz -install cbdrop [