+PATCH,$CORR. +DECK,CORR1. Updates version: 2.03/00 to 2.03/02 +REP,*TITLE*,TITLE,1. BCTRAK 2.03/02 02/08/95 17.45.25 +REP,$VERSION,V2_03,1-2. *CMZ : 2.03/02 02/08/95 17.45.26 by Christian Voelcker *CMZ : 2.03/01 21/07/95 16.48.08 by Christian Voelcker *CMZ : 2.03/00 07/04/95 19.46.07 by Christian Voelcker *-- Author : Christian Voelcker 07/04/95 * *::> VERSION 2.03/02 02/08/95 17.45.25 * *> BCPEDS: the energy correction function is not monotoneus. * set maximum cluster energy to 15 GeV to avoid * negative energies. (crash when light pulser flashed * into pbarp annihilations!) * *::> VERSION 2.03/01 21/07/95 16.48.08 * *> new install script availbale now. * UNIX: cmz -install bctrak [